Sunday 6 November 2011

Al the world is mad...

There is an old saying, which goes: 'All the world is mad, except for me and thee... and thee, I think, a little strange.'

With the events of the past few weeks I think I'm back in the 19th century again.

Which is probably to be expected with a Conservative government. After all, they are the landed classes who believe that those of privilege should rule. Deny education to the plebeian classes, ensure that schools are of such low quality that none of the working classes can ever gain a decent education, and even if they can, they can never afford university. Maintain privilege for the privileged.

And with the news that the Dutch of Cornwall runs the country, that the government liaises with the prince of Wales about policy and we see that we truly have an un-elected government and that the anachronism of the royal family is still running the country.

Of course, the government are all jobsworths. They are really there to get jobs in the city after they are kicked out in the next election. And that is the true job of all governments, which is why the banks can screw up the economy and never be touched... un-elected politicians need somewhere to go after they lose their jobs.

And that is the problem, the same clique is ruling us (the politicians) as are really running the country (the bankers). So the rest of us suffer after bailing out the bankers for the mess they made, just because our politicians need a safety net when we realize just how incompetent and ineffectual they are.

Nothing changes... because, no matter who we vote for, the government always wins.

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