Sunday 26 August 2012

Power corrupts...

...and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This means that you cannot trust anyone who actively seeks power. That means every politician, every religious leader and every leader of everything else...businesses, charities, whatever.

Never give any power to anyone who seeks it, because, in the end, they seek power for power itself. They have a vested interest in the current status quo. After all, if the world changed tomorrow, they would be out of a job.

The only person who should ever be given power is the person who would never seek power. And even then they should only be given it for a short term, 18 months at most.

You only have to look at politics to see that this is true. After their first term in power (say 4 years) every government goes insane and attempts to impose their own ideas. Eventually they self implode because they think themselves invincible. And that's just politicians, who can eventually be voted out.

But just think of the effects of this on those who are unelected... religious leaders, charity leaders and business leaders.

Crusades and Jihads anyone?
Banking crisis anyone?

I do not wish a return to the Middle Ages where unelected kings vied for power against unelected religions leaders, both camps attempting to impose their view of how the world should be on the populace... and maintaining their positions at the top.

So, wake up and start taking notice of what's happening about you, because soon we will all be in thrall to the olgarchs of big business. Unfettered capitalism can never work... just like unfettered anything can never work.

Keep everything in perspective and stop anyone who wants power from getting any.

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