Sunday 26 August 2012

And the banks...

Don't get me started on the banks...

Did you know that the money thrown at the banks to bail them out of the mess they created by themselves is more than the total money that has been spent on Science world-wide since the MIDDLE AGES!

Yes, you read right. The one thing that has advanced humanity for the past 600 years has received less funding OVER 600 YEARS than the banks did in 6 months.

Does that sound insane to you? The banks get bailed out and we are expected to forget about it.

Whilst our lives are worse... and the banks are in hock to us the tax-paying public. But that will be forgotten.

But if you owe the banks they will hound you and hound you until they get their pound of flesh.

Is the system mad, yes it is.

And why is that? Because the politicians themselves are in hock to the banks. Or, the ministers and high-ups in the political chain want to get those lucrative directorships of banks and companies for themselves after we boot them out of parliament.

Disillusioned... me? Definitely!

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